Our Passion for Games
We pioneered the process of streaming motion capture data into Epic’s Unreal game engine. Our custom build of UE 5 brings together innovations honed across all the projects we’ve worked on.
Working with Unreal, we have fully tested the MetaHuman animator process using stereo HMCs. We can ensure accurate and speedy turnaround of captured data.
We’ve created a bespoke highly flexible Head Mounted Camera system that can feed facial data into any pipeline process, allowing retargeting onto any face rig. We also have our own proprietary stereo HMC that will give more flexibility to future Metahuman pipelines.
We have developed various V Cam and camera tracking tools. Used live while capturing, or without any actors present, we can configure a Vcam that meets the way you want to shoot. From tracked tablets to proxies of traditional equipment, the team can build it.
We can run Motion Builder and Unreal Engine, in conjunction with your builds, so the director can see in real time how the shot is looking. We can also work with any other engine builds that you may have powering your game.
We work with professional audio teams from the Film, TV and Games industries who can provide Audio crew, and bespoke equipment solutions for the project. We can capture production quality audio on set to bottle the best vocal and physical performance at the same time.
Full body capture utilising either our Vicon optical system, inertial suits or a combination of the two. Hand and finger data are key to making your digital characters seem alive and connect with audiences. The Imaginarium has built a unique hand capture tools that allows you to get high-quality hand data from your performers.
Working with you in advance, we take your environments or white box block outs. We can then pre build set pieces or mark out on the floor of the volume, so that your digital environment appears in the right place for the actors. This allows for smooth and seamless shoot planning.